25 July 2023

Nappies for PV

Potter's Village has had a very kind donation of a years supply of nappies from the Ineza Children's Centre run by Mrs Jackie Baganizi. The Ineza Children's Centre sponsors girls and has it's own school. The sponsors of the centre have given enough nappies to supply both the PV Medical Centre and Crisis Centre for a year!

Photographed is the first supply of 38 cartons of nappies along with Jackie Baganizi (Director of the centre), Winnie (Social Worker at the centre), Idah (PV Administrator) and Winnie (PV Warden).

A huge thank you much go to the sponsors and staff at the Ineza Children's Centre, what an incredible gift!


The Potter’s Village exists to rescue babies who have no other chance of survival. Up to 20 babies can be given a home on the site. Babies will be given optimum provision to thrive with one-to-one care, within a family environment.

Potter's Village Address

P.O Box 252, Kisoro, S W Uganda.

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