Give thanks for

  • For the Nutritional Unit and that it can help children and communities in need
  • For the Child sponsors making such a huge difference to children's lives
  • For the Rehab Centre and its work
  • The animals and crops at PV and how they help nourish the children and support the project
  • The commitment of the PV staff to their work.
  • For all those supporters across the world praying and giving to this work

Current prayer needs

  • For the children recently admitted to PV, that they may feel loved despite such a difficult start to life.
  • For Idah (Administrator) and Board of Governors as they manage Potter’s Village
  • Friends of Potter’s Village, that they will continue to have sufficient income and for good stewardship of donated funds.
  • Please pray we find more child sponsors to help PV support those families in need
Prayer Requests

Babies and Children

  • For the new babies who find themselves at Potter's Village, that they settle quickly and improve their health.
  • We pray for those who have gone back to live with families or foster carers; may they find themselves in loving families and continue to grow, develop and remain healthy.
  • Pray for carers to grow in skills in stimulating the babies and caring for them.
  • Pray for all those who are suffering from malnutrition, that the staff of Nutritional Rehab can support them and their carers in returning them to health and preventing malnutrition again in the future. 

On-going prayer needs

  • For the staff team: may there be unity and patience among people who come from differing backgrounds
  • For members of staff who are studying to develop skills and knowledge that will help Potter's Village in the future.  They work long hours and have little time off.  Pray for their study and exams and support from their families. 
  • For all the baby carers, that they may faithfully and lovingly do their best for each little one in their care.
  • For all little ones as they move on from Potter’s Village that they thrive as they return to their extended family, or are fostered and adopted.
  • Pray for God's guidance and wisdom for the Board of Govenors in Kisoro and the project leadership

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”Philippians 4


The Potter’s Village exists to rescue babies who have no other chance of survival. Up to 20 babies can be given a home on the site. Babies will be given optimum provision to thrive with one-to-one care, within a family environment.

Potter's Village Address

P.O Box 252, Kisoro, S W Uganda.

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Your kind donations help to meet the running costs of the Medical and Day centres in Kisoro.
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Sponsoring a child helps towards the running costs for that child's individual needs.


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