Four of the older pre-school children have now found new foster homes: Gift, Dan, Emma and Junior are all provided for, and hard as it is for the carers to say goodbye to these children it is wonderful that they can now be with families.
Charity was still at primary school, when she was raped and disowned by her family. It is a blessing that Potter's Village is able to give a home to her little one, Favour, so she can continue with her education.
Peter came in October 2010, very malnourished at one month old. His mother died at birth and his family struggled to feed him correctly and used diluted cow's milk
Jackson is one of Potter'sVillage's very special babies, having severe disability, and needing first class care This past year has been a difficult one for Jackson.
In Kisoro, there is always a need for children to be admitted to Potter’s Village, but we are bursting at its seams. Rather than admitting baby Ester, we had to put her onto community support, despite the fact that she is only one week old.
These twin girls have been looked after by their aunt since their mum passed away. She now needs to complete her college courses, so Potter's Village will look after them during the term time.
The loving grandparents of Little Daniel came to take him for an afternoon visit on May 4th 2010, but it soon became clear that at the age of just over one, and with his grandparents wishing to see more of him, he should go home for good. Thus an afternoon visit turned into a farewell.